Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Purple repair move, the same burning a pot of water, only he who, immediately add the onions, ginger, pepper, aniseed, and a washed duck into the water. His actions did not stop, take over a pot of water, his eyes light flash to take over from the next two palm-sized, like the meat of non-meat things placed in 清水中浸泡. take over the basin, pour the above, thought for a moment, in which two eggs, add a little water to start the live side of action, his action is very slow, but every exception powerful, all the surface seems to be adsorbed in his hand like, not the slightest spill.
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Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Evening, Xuzhou City, the snow suddenly,. Original stall vendors are forced early closing of the stall. Soldiers patrol the streets suddenly even the gates were earlier than usual closed half an hour. Surface city ​​people of this posture will not only have closed the windows and doors not free to take to the streets to walk the air was filled with a tense and strange atmosphere.
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Monday, July 16, 2012

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